Tag «Blogging»

My Kitchen WAS Disgusting, Don’t Judge

It’s been two and a half months since I last posted and I don’t want to write one of “where have I been posts”, so let’s just acknowledge that I’ve been a slacker blogger and MOVE ON! I went to the gym this morning, so there’s that at least. I’m not one of those people …

Stop the Money Vagueness

I’ve been a terrible money manager over the years, but it never occurred to me to consider that I might be a compulsive spender until recently. I found a really cool podcast called “I Can’t Stop Spending! A Podcast about Recovery from Compulsive Spending, Shopping, and Debting” by Susan B. So far, I’ve listened to …

Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

We’ve all seen them.  Abandoned blogs. Surfing the internet into its farthest reaches, you run across a lot of blogs with promising starts, several interesting posts, and abrupt endings. Other blogs start vigorously and gradually weaken with increasingly long gasps between blog posts until the fade.  The interwebs are a virtual graveyard of dead blogs. …